QL Introduction

The Sinclair QL is a often misunderstood computer that is usually seen through the lens of a failed system. This is somewhat unfair, as in its own right the computer has many merits, and was a powerful machine at the time it was released. The QL was developed and launched at the same time Sinclair C5. It was the disastrous marketing of both products which ultimately forced the sale of Sinclair to Alan Sugar. In their own right, both C5 and the QL were interesting, fun, looked super cool and would have found a market in the right hands. 

So this blog is dedicated to the QL, not as a failed machine, but as a machine that is misunderstood, bonkers and brilliant - all in equal measures.


Here are a few games that begin to show off what the QL was capable of. I think Match Point is particularly handsome. You could swear there are more than 4 colours, but no!

Matchpoint - Psion


Fleet Tactical Command


There are a number of interesting demos, and I have linked a few here. The 3D rotating head is very impressive - available here. At the bottom is a demo version of Elite, from 1991. Shame this never became a full game, it looks awesome. 

Spinning head.

Nyan Cat

Cool demo with AY sounds

Elite demo.


A forum post will loads of beginner friendly links and advice. 

An excellent online Super Basic manual is here: superbasic_manual_online

Some cool projects for the QL on Github: https://github.com/SinclairQL

You are definitely going to need the manuals

A great technical book https://github.com/SinclairQL/QDOS-Companion

A cheap and easy to make solution for hooking up a QL to a modern VGA monitor here

A great img file put together to make things super easy... Especially if you have a gotek, and extra ram. Even if you don't, there is lots here and the software pack is very noob friendly. See here


Amazing website with superb resources, software and games to download: dilwyn.qlforum.co.uk

Ask for help, show off your projects or just say hello, the forum is here: https://qlforum.co.uk

There is a Spanish survival pack here which inspired this blog.

