Awesome graphical power of the QL

The screen is 32k. That's a lot on a 128k machine. So what do you get for your money? On the surface not a lot. The QL has 2 graphics modes. Mode 8 with eight colours, similar to the spectrum colours only without a non-bright mode. And it has a 4 colour mode, with just white, black, red and green.

However, the QL has a bigger resolution than the Spectrum, 256*256 and 256*512. Furthermore, unlike the Spectrum which only has a low res colour mode, the QL is also capable of colouring each pixel independently. So no colour clash here. All together, the QL is capable of some pretty surprising graphics.

Here is the Mona Lisa, an image I made, running on my QL in mode 8.

Impressive. Here are some more images I made...

The tiger is in mode 4. I messed up somehow, but still the image is amazing! 

By the way, I made all these images with the excellent dadither
